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Show the True You in a Publishing Resume
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In the competitive world of publishing, it is vital that your resume is free of any errors. On top of that, all of the information included should be relevant and well-organized. There's no fooling a potential employer in the publishing industry, so trying to cover up any weaknesses with fancy jargon or irrelevant information will not work here. It will be more effective to let your honesty and sincerity show through while being confident about your skills and qualifications.

Publishing is a very competitive field to get into. Therefore, your resume must be absolutely free of any spelling or grammar errors. This advice applies to any resume you write, but since publishing is a field where you work with words on a constant basis, it becomes even more crucial that your control of words shows through in your resume.

Of course, the content of your resume must be exceptional as well. Your previous experiences are going to prove valuable here. You should especially highlight any experiences you've had within the publishing industry, even if it was entry level or volunteer. These will give your potential employer a good idea of the skills you possess and the tasks you're capable of handling. Be detailed about specific positions and responsibilities you've held, emphasizing your achievements and positive results.

You're potential employer will also be looking to see the level of education you've acquired. Obviously if you have a degree in publishing or a related field, you should list it. If you are an entry level applicant or do not have a lot of experience in the publishing industry yet, your education will be even more important and should even be emphasized by placing it above the professional experience section. To highlight your education even more, mention related coursework, training, and any honors and awards you've earned.

You should strive to keep your resume no longer than one page. This is because your potential employer likely does not spend a lot of time reading each resume due to the sheer number of resumes he has to go through, and he must be able to absorb all the relevant information at a glance. There are few exceptions to the rule. For example, if you've been on the same career track for a long time and have extensive professional experience, you will probably need more space to list it. In such cases, a two-page resume is acceptable.

Using technical jargon specific to the publishing industry is acceptable in your resume. However, do not overdo it as it will give the impression that you're trying too hard and will take away from the sincerity of your resume. Use only what comes naturally to you and would increase the readability of your resume. It is much more important for a resume to be clear and concise than to be cluttered with unnecessary and unimpressive information.

Basically, you should let yourself show through in your resume without doing anything too fancy. Keep things clear and concise, sticking strictly to relevant information and listing your qualifications in a well-organized format. Don't try to cover anything up with fancy terminology or formatting. Your potential employer knows what he's looking for and will appreciate reading a resume that shows who you honestly are.

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