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How to Turn an Interview into an Offer?
Many won't hire the most qualified persons. They select only those they want to work with.

Many get interview calls but no offers. You need to work hard at turning an interview into a job. Having the necessary skill alone cannot help you get the job. People use resumes and phone screens to make sure someone has the skills to do the job. When you get to the interview, it is the likeability factor that clinches the issue.

Besides all these philosophical attributes, you have to work for turning an interview into a job offer.

Get everything about the company which has called you for an interview and digest everything about it. There may be a relevant fact you remember may help you give the correct answer to a question during the interview. The goal is to seem that you are intimately acquainted with their area of business and give the interviewer the impression that you can handle the job if given to you.

You must know the dress code of the company as many like to hire people who look like them. The best thing to do is to loiter near the office to get a sense of their dress code.

Most interview questions are surprisingly standard, and have standard answers. Take the question, ''Why did you want to leave your current job?'' The correct answer is something like this - I am looking for a company like this one, and your company gives me a unique opportunity that suits me. Learn such standard answers. There are good books that list interview questions and help you answer them correctly.

The first 15 seconds of an interview is critical. An interviewer will judge you first and most significantly on non-verbal cues. Good-looking people are more likely to get hired than overweight, less attractive people. Go to a gym and expend energy now, the more relaxed you'll be at the interview, and being calm will help you seem more confident.

Don’t leave anything open-ended. You must try to close the deal. You can as well take the risk of asking the interviewer whether he has any reservations about offering you the job. This may be scary to say because the interviewer might have reservations you can't overcome. Better to confront them and fail than never try. Anyway, you have nothing to lose. If you successfully counter all the reservations one by one, you may land the job.

It is not a bad idea to practice at mock interviews. Someone in the career counseling office of your college can help you do a mock interview with you. The feedback you get may be very useful to you.

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