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Handling and Creating Video Resumes
The task of a job applicant is to make it through the first rounds of screening done by recruiters only upon the applications, cover letters, and resumes, and without any further active interaction with the candidate. The next steps towards getting a job can happen only when a candidate's resume succeeds in overcoming the primary screening hurdles and manage to get shortlisted. A video resume or a ''visume'' can play an important role here, if done and presented properly. Otherwise, it is wise to avoid a video resume.

Advantages of a video resume

A video resume has its obvious advantages and increases chances of recruitment especially for remotely placed candidates. Recruiters in the process of hiring people for actual physical workplaces do take into consideration the residential location of the candidate and the feasibility and ease of daily commuting to workplace. Candidates residing within a certain radius from the employer's office enjoy a preference on that count at primary screening levels and candidates placed outside feasible ranges of daily travel to and from the employer's workplace have a chance of being rejected during primary screening of resumes. Video resumes help to neutralize this and other preferential treatments during resume screening by adding an extra card to the candidate's repertoire, something that can very well act as a trump card.

Video resumes carry over the personality of a candidate in a far more effective manner than possible by a simple document resume, and act as a sort of half-interview, answering many questions of the recruiter, which otherwise would have required a physical interview. It allows recruiters to measure your presentation skills and body language without having a physical interview, and if done in the right manner, a video resume can result in a call where there would have been none in the ordinary course of events.

Why video resumes are ineffective for most people

Preparing an actual video presentation involves greater skill and professionalism than possessed by 99% of job applicants, though most of them refuse to recognize the truth. Video resumes cannot be equated with simple podcasts or somebody making a straight recording in front of a webcam. Though, parts of such recordings need to be used in preparing video resumes, ultimately preparing a short video film is the work of professionals, and amateurs rarely excel in it.

There are myriad issues in creating a video presentation starting from resolution, lighting, camera angles, slides, audio, bitrates, file formats, and an endless number of issues only those into preparation of professional videos and advertisements are familiar with. So, an effective video resume requires professional help and associated costs to conceive a final polished product and be able to convey the intended impression. Otherwise, it would be something lackluster that would rather act against the candidate than work for him or her.

Controlling body language and winning over stage fear are your fast tasks for creating a video resume. Involving professional help right from the beginning helps to bring out the best in you and master your weaknesses in a manner that will stand you in good stead even in actual physical interviews. The next step is to have a good script, to make the first few seconds count and make a consistent and powerful line that makes you come across as a rightful contender for the job. The final touches of a video resume are always best to leave in the hands of professional artists who know their job.

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