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Resume Tips

The articles in this section cover topics ranging from common resume blunders to understanding hiring managers' criteria.


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ResumeApple Provides Improved Human Resources Resume
By Emily Sanderson

Editor's note: The following article describes improvements made to the resume of an actual ResumeApple client. The name of the candidate, her prior employers, and her contact information have been changed.

Writing the Perfect Resume to Get the Perfect Job

Writing the perfect resume will increase your chances for getting hired for the perfect job you've always wanted. In order to do this successfully, you must take the time to plan. In doing so, your employer will know exactly if you are the person they are looking for. Your resume should reflect the skills and interests you have. If you want a particular job, find out what skills it requires and how you can acquire them. Including your past job experience will help the employer get a sense of what experience you've had. Be sure to include the dates of these jobs and to avoid gaps. Training and education are also important to include. Make sure everything is in a chronological or functional format. Meaning, the skills you listed are relevant and present you as a better candidate. Now, that you've created your resume, you'll need a cover letter. Your cover letter will be the first thing they see and it's crucial that it's professional. Look in the library for examples. Keep it short and simple. Careful attention to your resume will increase the chances that you will get you the job you want.

Education Professionals Require Professional Resumes
By Emily Sanderson

With our population increasing each year, schools are in desperate need of teachers. If you are looking into going into a teaching profession, then you must be aware of the requirement of professional resumes. Make sure you know what fields you seek to pursue. The United States is making cutbacks in the education system in areas such as art, journalism, music and physical education. Because of this, wealthy parents are enrolling their students in afterschool activities, which are included in private school institutions. If you are planning to go in this direction, remember that you will need at least 3-5 years teaching experience and reliable recommendations. However, if you are thinking about going in a different direction with your career, begin thinking about what experience you are going to include and what your objective will be. If you feel you need help, ResumeApple's writers have many resources to help you create a resume that will help you get that teaching position you have been seeking.

''Green-Collar'' Professionals Need Competitive Resumes
By Emily Sanderson

The world seems to be geared to the ''going green'' phase and helping us be more eco-friendly. Millions of jobs were created in the environmental industry in 2005. Because so many are concerned about global warming, more and more job opportunities are available. Those who are preparing to go into this field, should provide resumes that should compete with the others. If your job experience is quite a few years ago, you may want to use a functional format, which allows your work and experience to be in two different sections. This allows you to focus your experience into bullets that will highlight your strengths that are applicable to the job. Also, employers have a lot of respect for those who have well written resumes, without any grammatical or spelling errors. Presenting yourself through your resume is extremely important and is often the first impression your potential employer has of you.

IT Resume Writing
By Hardeep Singh Arora

If you're looking into an IT career, you'll need a great IT resume.. The IT employment makes up about 10% of the American workforce. Knowing this will help you better improve your resume. Your resume should reflect past achievements and future goals. You'll want your resume to spark a relationship with your potential employer. This means that they will instantly be attracted to your resume and will want to get to know you more. Presenting a strong image of yourself will be important, regardless of any position you may be applying for. Showing a level of modesty is important in your resume, but be sure to include skills, level of expertise, and other valuable information that will raise your chances for employment. As you grow and gain more experience, you'll find that you'll have more to offer. Make sure to continually update your resume so that it has the detail about your work experience that may make the difference in being considered for a job in the future.

I Wrote a Resume That Got Noticed...Now What?
By Lancelot Larsen

Now that you've presented your great resume, the next step will be the interview. In the interview process you may be competing with up to five other candidates. Now the employer will get to talk to the person whose resume he has been impressed with. Your actual interview is an extremely important part. Just because your resume looks great, that will not guarantee you a job. During this interview process, the employer will want to throw away any candidates who won't be able to handle the pressure or answer a question differently than what they were looking for. There are certain questions that you may be asked, such as, how would your friends describe you, or what can you do for us that someone else cannot do? These questions are to find out what kind of person you are and what you can bring to the company. Keep in mind that the interview is full of trick questions that help find the weakest candidate. Remember to keep calm and answer the questions in such a way that shows your desire for success and an easy going personality.

Your Resume: A Marketing Tool
By Emily Sanderson

A resume is the first impression of an applicant that a potential employer gets, and to ensure a positive effect on that employer you must dazzle them with the real you. To do this you must use real emotion and show your real qualities. However, a resume does not represent your whole self; you must be prepared to make your positive traits desirable in the interview. In your resume be prepared to state specific characteristics that will refer to the job in an appealing format, do not refer to qualities that have no relevance to the position you are applying for.

Using Strong Verbs in Your Resume
By Emily Sanderson

When preparing a resume, in order to sound assertive and poised, using strong verbs is wise. In order to avoid repetitiveness in your resume you can use a bullet structure which will allow you the use of an active voice without the constant usage of nouns. Active voice is a simple and straight forward way you can present your qualities to a potential employer; it can make reading your resume easy and quick. Don't be afraid to take responsibility for the things you have accomplished in past work experience; it may get you the job you have been waiting for

The Perfect Way to Introduce Your Resume
By Lancelot Larsen

To get a potential employer to read your resume, you will need a cover letter. A cover letter gives you an opportunity to explain all the details of your situation that a resume doesn't give you a chance to do. Although sometimes a cover letter does not get read preparing one is still a worthy use of your time. There are many things to consider when writing your cover letter; make sure to keep your cover letter short and to the point. Consider the format of the letter as well as state the most important information at the beginning and continue from there.

Enhance Your Resume with Strategic Keywords

Online searches for resumes are becoming more popular as employers are becoming less attracted to the idea of paying for employee resumes. Often an employer types in keywords that are common to the position that they are trying to fill. Therefore, to get your posted resume noticed numerous keywords are imperative. It is also important to use various forms of the same word to address many different searches. Searched words that are often used describe needed qualifications including experience and skills. A useful tool that enhances your possibility of getting a higher rank on the result list is a keyword summary at the top of your resume. Using these tactics, you are more likely to get noticed.

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Client Testimonials
"Everything was great. The service, quality, and timeliness of all of your efforts were just exceptional. I applied for a position this week and cannot wait to find out if I got an interview. Thank you for helping me rewrite my resume and cover letter. I definitely agree that the formatting and arrangement of my experience is exactly what I needed. Thanks again!"
F.S. , Washington, DC
"Thank you for helping me with my resume and cover letter. Over the past few weeks, I have submitted my documents to online databases and received quite a few responses to them. I am even going in for two interviews next week. I am so pleased. I hope I get an offer!"
C.B. , Detroit, MI
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