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Resume Tips

The articles in this section cover topics ranging from common resume blunders to understanding hiring managers' criteria.


334 Articles. Showing 281 to 290
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How to Create a Resume
By Sayaka Seino

A resume is usually required when applying for employment and, if constructed with care, can help land you with the best job for you. It provides a way for potential employers to quickly review your skills, education, experience, and what you can bring to their company. With careful planning and inclusion of the right information, you can create a resume that earns you that call back for an interview.

Preschool Teacher Resumes
By Sayaka Seino

Teaching in a preschool is an ever changing occupation. When creating a resume you must not only show but be able to prove you are the best one for the job. The single most important thing to put on your resume is your educational background. It is extremely important in this case to have a flawless resume. Proofreading for typos and grammatical errors is key. You must state qualifications boldly and with confidence. It should show your enthusiasm for the job. Giving a detailed account of your previous job experiences is very important. When your potential employer can see your previous experiences they can see your knowledge and determination in this critical field of work.

Resume Objectives
By Sayaka Seino

A critical part of a resume is the objectives section. This has been a changing part of resumes. Many objectives are becoming profiles. This is usually the first section the employer reviews. They want to see what you want to accomplish and what you will bring to their company. If this section is bold and straightforward, your resume will stick out to them. The main difference between objectives and profiles is the tense in which you write it. Objectives are written in first person while profiles are written in third person. Profiles can make you appeal more boldly than objectives can. The main thing to do when making this transition is to change your mindset. Profiles will have you think what you can do for others and how you can make a positive impact on the company, as opposed to what the company can do for you.

Writing a High School Resume
By Sayaka Seino

Being a high school graduate presents a tremendous opportunity for creating a resume. Your high school diploma should be showcased. Often it is all that is needed to be qualified for a job. Any other qualifications can be made up by your enthusiasm and determination. In the objective section, show your enthusiasm to work for a company. Ask leaders and teachers for suggestions of your strongest qualities. Be sure to participate in as many experiences as possible while in high school. Include different leadership positions and offices held. Participation in athletics should be included as well. Be sure to list good references. They can confirm the qualifications listed on your resume.

Components of a Waiter or Waitress Resume
By Sayaka Seino

A resume is a very important part of applying for a job as a waiter or waitress. Plan to submit a resume along with your application. Be aware of the different jobs out there. You will want the highest position you are qualified for. The better the restaurant the larger your tips will be. An important part of a restaurant resume is work history. Some restaurants prefer that you have two to three years of experience. Others may not care and would be willing to train you. If you have worked at many different restaurants in a short amount of time, be prepared to explain why you no longer work for them. Showing your average tips will reflect the quality of your work. Let your references know ahead of time that they may be contacted.

Using Microsoft Word for Your Resume
By Sayaka Seino

Using Microsoft Word to find templates is an effective and compatible way to get started with your resume. Microsoft Word has a variety of templates to choose from. There are often templates that refer to specific jobs or situations that can guide you in what potential employers are looking for. The templates from Microsoft Word are strictly courses of action; to attract the attention of an employer you must add your own personal flair. Microsoft Word is also a helpful resource to use because it is compatible with almost all computer systems because Microsoft Word Viewer is downloadable for free.

Writing a Resume for the Growing Field of GIS
By Sayaka Seino

A GIS resume often requires more specific information that relates to the professional field. This is in response to the variety of new technologies that can be used to discover new possibilities. When writing a resume for a GIS job you must provide information about your qualifications as they relate to the position for which you are applying. This field requires extensive training to be successful. Educational and professional information is needed as well as your experience and skills. In addition, specialize your resume to emphasize your achievements and your qualifications, and you will be more likely to get the career that you have been aiming for.

How To Write A Resume

One of the most important things to have when looking for a job is a resume. A resume often lets a potential employer know details about you that show them you are the person that is best qualified for the job you are applying for. Some required sections for any great resume is contact information, education you have received, and experience that you have had. However, if you want to make your resume stand out, there are some things you can add. Profiles or statements of qualifications can improve the tone of your resume, volunteer work, or community involvement can also enhance your resume and any affiliations or licenses relevant to the position you are applying for are also important to include on a resume.

Your HR Resume Can Get You Noticed
By Sayaka Seino

Human resources director is a crucial position for the success of a company or organization. Your resume must stand out among the many applicants. The potential employer should get a clear picture of your people skills. You must be sure to have a great objective or profile section, as this will often be the determining factor as to whether or not you get the job. List your educational qualifications chronologically beginning with the most recent degree earned or school attended. It is also important to list work experiences beginning with the most recent place of employment. Be sure to note awards, honors, and volunteer experiences. It must be organized, specific, and eye-catching.

A Professionally Prepared Resume Will Take You Places

A resume can prove very helpful when applying for a job. It lists your credentials, work history, licenses, volunteer work, and other experiences you possess. Done well, a resume will assist you in getting the job of your dreams. Be concise, use short and catchy phrases, and consider using a bulleted list. Tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying for. It should show professionalism and catch the potential employer's eye. Show your potential employer your determination to work hard. Make sure the subheadings make it easy to distinguish between the various parts of your resume. It must be an attractive resume that shows off your best self.

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"This is the best version of my resume I have ever seen. Thanks for doing such a great job on everything. I still can't believe this one is really mine. You guys went above and beyond. Thanks!"
T.R. , Athens, GA
"Great job, everyone! Thanks to your help, I just received an offer that I was dying to interview for. Not only did I get the interview, but I got the job as well. This is all so wonderful! Thank you so much for helping me get this opportunity. This is one of the best things that has ever happened to me."
S.W. , Boise, ID
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